Use God's Mirror
by Joe R. Price

Most of us used a mirror this morning. In fact, most people use a mirror several times a day. The reasons are obvious. We want to know how we look because we care about how we look. A mirror is a tool we use to improve our appearance.

James 1:22-25 says the person who hears God's word but will not obey it is like a man who looks at a mirror, sees his appearance, yet fails to improve himself. He forgets what he saw - it makes no impression on him. Since we all need spiritual improvement, none of us should be like this self-deluded man. Consider the following comparisons of God's word to a mirror:

1. We must know how we look to God (James 1:23). God's word shows us how we look to God. We must see ourselves as God sees us in order to examine ourselves and make God-approved improvements (2 Cor. 13:5). God's word shows us our sins and teaches us what to do about them (Rom. 3:23; Acts 2:38).

2. We should want to improve our appearance (James 1:24). Nothing is gained by using God's word to learn of our spiritual condition but then failing to repent and obey God. Only by making the necessary changes in heart and conduct that God's word teaches will you be blessed (James 1:25).

3. We must use a reliable mirror in order to be make reliable changes (James 1:25). Some mirrors distort images instead of giving a clear reflection. Man-made doctrines distort the will of God and are not unreliable "mirrors" to use to be assured of God's approval (Matt. 15:1-9). God's word is reliable and sufficient to improve your spiritual condition before God (2 Tim. 3:16-17).

- The Spirit's Sword, 10/11/15