The End Times
by Heath Rogers

It seems the religious world has a never-ending fascination with the end times. A visit to any local religious book store will reveal an entire section devoted to eschatology (a branch of theology which focuses upon those things which will happen at the end of one's life or the end of the world). With few exceptions, the books contained in these sections teach error.

Fanciful false doctrines such as the Rapture, the Seven Year Tribulation, the Battle of Armageddon, and the Thousand Year Reign of Christ upon the earth are promoted in books and movies. These are all aspects of a very popular religious error called "Premillennialism." This error has been embraced and promoted (though, by their own admission, rarely understood) by many denominational churches around us.

We will give our attention to a study of the End Times in our Sunday afternoon worship services this month. This afternoon we will study what the Bible actually teaches concerning the Second Coming of Christ. Having established the truth on the subject, the following Sunday we will study Premillennialism, with a special emphasis of exposing the blasphemous errors upon which this false doctrine is established. Then, the third Sunday we will give our attention to the AD 70 Doctrine. This is the false belief that every prophecy concerning the end times (including the second coming of Christ, the resurrection, judgment, etc.) was accomplished when Rome destroyed Jerusalem in AD 70. While this error is not nearly as popular as Premillennialism, it has been affecting brethren and churches in different parts of the country for a number of years.

We need to arm ourselves with a proper understanding of what the Bible actually says about the Second Coming of Christ and the End of the World, as well as acquaint ourselves with the popular errors of our day so that we can be ready to teach and defend the truth.