Abortion: An Easy Way Out?
By Bob Archer

Some time ago a man and woman came to my office to discuss a serious problem the lady was having. She explained that she was a Christian working with a church on the north side of Chicago. Her worship, and her very life, was greatly affected by what she had done 25 years earlier. She said that she could no longer partake of the Lord's Supper and had reached the point where she could barely eat. What had she done? She cried and said that she had an abortion.

I explained that if she would repent and ask for God's forgiveness, He would forgive her and forget the matter, and that she must also forget.

The lady's story came to mind when I read an urgent appeal for help in the local newspaper. A woman who signed her name "Broken Hearted" said:

"Please help me! I have been constantly troubled over an abortion I had several years ago. I feel I am on the verge of suicide. Is there a cemetery where a memorial stone or plaque may be placed in my daughter's memory? Maybe, if there is a spot in some cemetery dedicated to her, it would ease my mind." The paper graciously found a cemetery that would answer her request.

ABORTION: An Easy Way Out? You decide. How will you live with the facts later when you realize what you have done?